Tuesday, October 7, 2008

J.T. O'Sullivan

Sunday's 49er's broadcast mentioned J.T. (the current starting QB for SF) was an UC Davis Alumni??!!

Sure enough, I checked it out and indeed he spent 3 years (00-03) at UC Davis as the starting quarterback. This blows me away since I was there from 99-05 and don't remember his name at all. I have to admit UCD's Division II football didn't really put them in the sports arena spotlight. However, I do remember UC Davis having a kick ass football team.

From Wiki:

"He played quarterback for the University of California, Davis and holds an NCAA Division II record (tie) for touchdown passes in a playoff game with 6, set on November 25, 2000 against Mesa State. He finished his three-year college career with 10,745 passing yards and 94 touchdown passes."

Like whoa. Go Ags!


Anonymous said...

Gary, you gotta get with the program...quit watching that loser Seahawks football! JTO is doing his thing, but the 49ers are still weak. Still beats the hell out of UW football...GO SDSU AZTECS!

Gary said...


49ers for life! UW football is awful...particularly this year.

Gary said...

I think you should become a "follower" of my blog, yo.

Anonymous said...

hey, don't sweat UW football..."I prefer Tyrone" might prefer an unemployment check here soon. SDSU might be winless as well, so I don't have bragging rights...A follower? Wouldn't that require some sort of sign-up or obligation? I'm not ready for that kind of commitment!

Gary said...

I gotta check out a UW football game this year...I've never been.

"Do you prefer Ty or Tyrone?"

"I prefer Tyrone"
