Saturday, October 18, 2008

Angry Video Game Nerd vs. The Irate Gamer

So maybe not as pressing as McCain vs. Obama (go Obama!), however let us take a moment to consider another debate: Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN) or The Irate Gamer (IG). If you don't know, both have gained popularity for posting sarcastic youtube retrospectives on awful games released on various platforms. Mostly, I tune in to their segments on old crappy 8-bit nintendo (NES) games. You know the games that drove you A-Wall with their absurd and perverted complexity? (e.g., jumping "n" precarious platforms or fall to your death, no saves or continues, excessive re-spawning of bad guys, etc) *sigh* Granted, maturation of video gaming was still in its infancy, but still there were all too many games that left you flipping your TV off!

AVGN and IG both share some of my NES sentiments...Glad I'm not alone.

Anywho, their is much hoopla between AVGN and IG. Both have similar shows, however they are soo similar that many are shouting rip-off! AVGN is noted for being the first to create this type of youtube programming. From what I've gather anecdotally, IG is accused for "plagiarising" AVGN's ideas in overall show content. Example here. Interestingly, IG believes his show is no way like AVGN's...

My two cents: I like to give credit when credit is due. AVGN was first and the one I initially started watching. However, I do give props for IG for his more constructive wit and video editing skills. Often AVGN goes off on nonsensical explicit rants, however IG tends to form his criticism with more character.

At any rate, I think both offer some hilarious things to say.

I've embedded both reviewing the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game for the NES. I appreciate this review since I owned this game...what a piece of %*@#$! What do you think?

Angry Video Game Nerd (warning! explicit language):

The Irate Gamer (warning! explicit language):


heyroth said...

Dude, I totally beat TMNT.. it's sooo hard. It laid the basis of all other platform games that are hard. Ninja gaiden for the xbox is freaking hard..

Gary said...


You beat TMNT on NES? You need to put that on your professional resume under achievements.

heyroth said...

yeah... that's why i'm all twitchy..