Sunday, March 30, 2008

Camera Phone Randomness: Cookin' Steaks! & Watchin' Horror?

Yesterday night Colin, Chad and I chillaxed by BBQing steaks* and watching the "Wicker Man" remake featuring Nick Cage. Colin, once again, worked his magic with the grill . The movie attempts at horror were nothing but humorous. Eh, a good "bad" cat-scare flick makes for plentiful opportunities to add lib. Check out Colin's blog for a more in-depth movie critique.

*Check out the extreme freezer burn on my 9-month old 'strip steak re: Colin's fresh 'strip steaks!

1 comment:

Colin said...

It's a good thing we grilled that mummified piece of meat, it ended up looking quite delicious afterwards, too bad we didn't do a before/after shot.