So I have a personal goal to run a half-marathon
race (13.1 miles) in May of this year. To date, the furthest I've ran is 10 miles total on a treadmill. Naturally, I've got some much needed training ahead of me. There is somewhat a "science" behind distance running that I am trying out. This includes "runs that just log in miles," short "sprint runs" and eating (gel/goo) and drinking (water) while still pacing myself.
Anywho, Green Lake (in Seattle, WA) is my current stomping ground for training. For the longest time I was running on a treadmill, however running outside is a completely different ballgame - different muscles get worked out. Green Lake is 3.1 miles if you go around the paved path. Essentially I need to run laps around it - I'm up to a little over 2 right now and adding 10% for each additional run.
On Green Lake, there is considerable bob and weaving involved! Watch out for:
1) Babies in multiple strollers - often moms are out in bunches and walk in rows
2) Dog leashes - on dogs (of course), watch out for tripping on them
2) Walkers with cellphones - heads cocked, they are gazing at anything other than the road
3) Fancy walkers - their stride sways from's hard to anticipate their next step (I'm not kidding)
Anyone run? If anyone wants to go Green Laking let me know.
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