Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I Have Two Bricks...Their Names are Ipod Classic and Ipod Nano

December 25 2008. I am in the midst of wrapping presents. I have the geeky itch to play John Cougar Mellencamp's "Jack and Diane". "Buzz, Click, Buzzz" my Ipod Classic doesn't respond and slips into a coma that it never recovers from. Brick #1

January 25, 2008. Running around Green Lake for the second time in 7 weeks since my left knee injury. Pumped and ready for some Rage Against the Machine, no less than 10 minutes into a my run, my fully charged Ipod Nano shuts off. I've seen this before - it means the charging life of the player has kicked the can. Brick#2

Honorable Mentions:

Circa August 2005. I placed my Ipod shuffle on my hub and let it be overnight. The next I woke up to a sight of horror. The shuffle had melted on the hub. Imagine if you put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 5 minutes. Bricked!

Spring 2005 my 2nd Generation Ipod battery give out after ~2 years of music service. I was using it as a backup hard drive on my desktop, however it has stop responding as well. Bricked!

Hmm...which Ipod should I get next? Maybe I should kick it old school and get a sony walkman...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Oh this? Yea, It's my pocket knife.

So people give me slack about my pocket knife. No, I have no intentions to shank anyone. It's extremely useful for all sorts of things. Think of it of as scissors (covered) in your pocket. Here's a few examples within the my last 48 hours:
  • Cut down boxes for recycling
  • Slit my orange for easy peeling
  • Remove stem of my banana that would not peel
  • Slice right through packaging tape
  • Open a bag of tortilla chips

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I bought Crocs...

Not the ones you'd think. These pair are named Santa Cruz. They're my comfy indoor slippers - I've got brown slippers, but I wanted ones that matched my black belt. Haha, ridiculous, I know, but I think about these things.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Joaquin the Rapper?

I don't know what to make of this. This makes me both cringe and cautiously bob my head. Just in case you haven't been checking TMZ headlines, Joaquin Phoenix has declared his retirement from acting to pursue a musical career. OK, I thought it would be some Johnny Cash influenced folk tunes...but rapping?

Below is a youtube vid of his first public performance. I think he's going for the white rapper does staccato indie rap...

They call me Joa...Joa...Joa....quinnn!

link here

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Star Wars? Never seen it...

then again, maybe I did...this is what a remember...

(brought to my attention by Brother Ryan)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Spock and Bilbo Baggins?

Soundtrack for Guillermo del Toro's The Hobbit (2012)?

Saturday, January 10, 2009


RSS feed added to facebook.

I want this, I want this, I want this!!!


Product Features

* Personal Soundtrack Shirt features a working speaker on the front and can play background music and sound effects at your command
* Pocket remote features 20 buttons and allows easy selection of 10 music themes and 10 different sound effects
* Easily load your own sound effects and music onto the Personal Soundtrack Shirt using standard MP3 files
* Play your iPod or other portable audio player through the speaker on the front of the shirt
* Perfect for making your ordinary life more exciting
* Requires 4 AAA batteries. Not included

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A little under pressure

If there was a light at the end of the tunnel, there is a huge blockade consisting of the following: department comp exam, my research proposal, account and financing class, and externship finding + interviewing.

Cue song please...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yep. I keep getting distracting. A complete post to come soon. Hang Tight!