January 25, 2008. Running around Green Lake for the second time in 7 weeks since my left knee injury. Pumped and ready for some Rage Against the Machine, no less than 10 minutes into a my run, my fully charged Ipod Nano shuts off. I've seen this before - it means the charging life of the player has kicked the can. Brick#2
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Circa August 2005. I placed my Ipod shuffle on my hub and let it be overnight. The next I woke up to a sight of horror. The shuffle had melted on the hub. Imagine if you put it in the oven at 350 degrees for 5 minutes. Bricked!
Spring 2005 my 2nd Generation Ipod battery give out after ~2 years of music service. I was using it as a backup hard drive on my desktop, however it has stop responding as well. Bricked!
Hmm...which Ipod should I get next? Maybe I should kick it old school and get a sony walkman...